為進一步(bù)優化(huà)紫(zǐ)薇植株的(de)生長(zhǎng)形態,強化紫薇植株對(duì)營養(yǎng)的吸收效(xiào)率,園林管理人員以及技術人員應當采取針對性措施針對植株(zhū)進行修剪與整形,使其(qí)觀賞價值與生長速(sù)率得到同步提升。參考文獻 [1] 趙鵬(péng)華,劉玉紅,黃(huáng)石紫薇造型修剪整形技術趙(zhào)文傑等.紫薇扡插育苗及栽培管理技術[J].現代農業科技,2021(20):13黃石(shí)紫薇造型修剪整形技術1-132. [2] 儀(yí)楠,劉陽.紫薇新品種——『擎天(tiān)』的繁殖及栽培[J].花木盆景(花卉園藝),2021(4):30-31. [3] 翁春雨,李大飛,李棟(dòng)梁等.紫薇(wēi)種質資源在海南的適應性評價[J].中國熱帶農業(yè),2024(3):52-59. [4] 王娟,葉才林.紫薇在園(yuán)林綠(lǜ)化中的應用及其苗木精品化探究[J].菏澤學院學報,2024,42(2):55-59. [5] 韓曉娜.紫薇絨蚧在漯河地區的防(fáng)治技術[J].現代園藝,2024(9):182.
小(xiǎo)品盆景設(shè)計應用、由於紫薇品種較為多樣,生長形態各不相同,一些紫薇喬木能夠生長到 7~10m,另(lìng)一(yī)些矮生紫薇品種則僅有不足一(yī)米的高(gāo)度,因此采用矮生紫薇構建盆景對園(yuán)林(lín)景觀進行烘托和映襯同樣是園(yuán)林設(shè)計(jì)當中紫薇應用的另一關鍵性策略。園林景觀設計人員可基於盆景設計要求針對(duì)紫薇苗木進行選(xuǎn)定,並采用多(duō)幹扭合的方式使矮生紫薇的枝條扭(niǔ)合到一處,形成(chéng)古(gǔ)樸典雅、奇(qí)崛蒼勁的視覺形態。另外(wài),在進行紫薇盆景的打造過程(chéng)當(dāng)中,設計人員還應當結合整體視覺需(xū)要(yào)針對性進行修剪,例如在冬季休眠(mián)期對紫薇盆景(jǐng)生(shēng)長過密的枝葉進行剪除、在日常生長過程當中(zhōng)針對生長位(wèi)置過於靠下的花序進行剪除等等,使紫薇盆景能夠成為園林景觀當中的重要元素之一。
The specifications and heights of the large-scale Hubei Qianjiang pink purple and bright red Wei vase and Huangshi design base are as follows: Ezhou flower basket design 1 meter, 3.5 meters, Xiangyang Tianmen beauty plum design 1.8 meters, Huangshi 4.5 meters, Jingzhou 1.5 meters, Xiantao Mongolian yurt weaving 2.5 meters, 4.5 meters, Wuhan Haitang Ziwei 6.5 meter size vase design, 5.5 meters, Red Rocket Ziwei 3.8 meter vase weaving wholesale price, Huanggang 4.2 meter price is negotiable, and generally a vase weighs over a hundred pounds, Xiaogan and both parties have discussed the shipping cost. Based on your distance and transportation situation, Jingmen in Suizhou, Shiyan, Yichang, we will discuss a more suitable way, such as logistics, express delivery, SF Express, or we will hire a dedicated car to deliver the goods to your doorstep, or you can hire a car yourself, or you can pick up the goods yourself.
In order to further optimize the growth morphology of Ziwei plants and enhance their nutrient absorption efficiency, garden management and technical personnel should take targeted measures to prune and reshape the plants, so that their ornamental value and growth rate can be synchronously improved. Reference [1] Zhao Penghua, Liu Yuhong, Zhao Wenjie et al. Shape pruning and shaping techniques of Huangshi Ziwei. Cutting seedling and cultivation management techniques of Ziwei [J]. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology, 2021 (20): 13 Shape pruning and shaping techniques of Huangshi Ziwei 1-132 [2] Yi Nan, Liu Yang. Reproduction and cultivation of a new variety of crape myrtle - 'Qingtian' [J]. Bonsai of Flowers and Trees (Flower Horticulture), 2021 (4): 30-31 [3] Weng Chunyu, Li Dafei, Li Dongliang, et al. Adaptability evalsuation of crape myrtle germplasm resources in Hainan [J]. China Tropical Agriculture, 2024 (3): 52-59 [4] Wang Juan, Ye Cailin. Application of Ziwei in landscaping and exploration of its high-quality seedlings [J]. Journal of Heze University, 2024, 42 (2): 55-59 [5] Han Xiaona. Prevention and Control Techniques of Ziwei Velvet Scale in Luohe Region [J]. Modern Horticulture, 2024 (9): 182
The application of small scale bonsai design, due to the diverse variety and different growth forms of crape myrtle, some crape myrtle trees can grow up to 7-10m, while other dwarf crape myrtle varieties only have a height of less than one meter. Therefore, using dwarf crape myrtle to construct bonsai to set off and contrast the garden landscape is also another key strategy for the application of crape myrtle in garden design. Landscape designers can select the seedlings of crape myrtle based on the requirements of bonsai design, and use a multi stem twisting method to twist the branches of the dwarf crape myrtle together, forming a simple and elegant, unique and vigorous visual form. In addition, during the process of creating a Ziwei bonsai, designers should also tailor it to the overall visual needs, such as pruning the densely growing branches and leaves during winter dormancy, and pruning the inflorescences that grow too low during daily growth. This will make Ziwei bonsai an important element in the garden landscape.