了(le)解金花茶和其作用、珍惜名貴苗木花卉、金花茶是八大國家一級保護植物之-國家一級保護植物 (金花茶,人參水杉,秘權,銀杉(shān),琪(qí)桐,禿杉,望(wàng)天樹),1948年被我國植物學家戚(qī)經文正式命名為“Canellia nitidissimaC.W.Chi”金花茶花色金黃,耀眼奪目,彷佛塗著一層蠟,晶(jīng)瑩油潤,似有半透明之感,外國稱之為神奇的東方(fāng)魔茶,被譽為”植物(wù)界大熊貓“茶族皇後花朵富含多種(zhǒng)營養物質(zhì)、金花茶屬無毒級,含(hán)有400多種營養物質,無(wú)毒副作用,富(fù)含茶多糖(táng)茶多酚,總(zǒng)皂武(wǔ)總黃酮,茶(chá)色素,咖啡(fēi)因,蛋白質,維生素B1B2,維生素C,維生素E,葉酸,脂肪酸,B-胡蘿卜素等天然成份。金花茶含有茶氨酸,蘇氨酸等幾十種氨基酸,以及富含天(tiān)然鍺(zhe硒(xī)(xi)鋅,釩 (fan),等微量元素(sù),和鉀,鈣,鎂,(mu)等宏亮元素。
(花朵結花多,花期長,抗病性強,花朵蠟質感高,黃金的花朵,5-6公分) 在金花茶(chá)係列中算很大(dà)的。
Meixian, Zhaoqing, Zhanjiang, 58CM
1. The depth of excavation is 3-5 centimeters higher than the nutrient cup
2. Cutting bags
Put the saplings into the soil pit without taking out the nutrient cup. Use a blade to cut through the bottom at an angle.
3. Watering Add 5 liters of water, stir well, and you can also become a horticulturist
4. Cover the soil with 3-5 cm of nutrient cup soil and make the soil soft and cannot be pressed.
5. Water again. For the second time, be sure to thoroughly water the soil. Water once a day in the morning and evening, and spray the leaves two to three times to keep the soil moist. Be sure to shade and avoid exposure to sunlight.
Seedlings in Huizhou, Guangdong (The flowers bear many flowers, have a long flowering period, strong disease resistance, and have a high waxy texture. The golden flowers are 5-6 cm in length), which is considered a big part of the Jinhua tea series.