深翻全園深翻在(zài)楊梅(méi)苗定植4~5年後每隔2年進行(háng)一次,方(fāng)法是沿定植穴逐年向(xiàng)外深翻,使(shǐ)楊梅園土壤疏鬆通氣(qì),利於(yú)根係向(xiàng)外伸展。2.1.3肥料種類(lèi)以腐熟有機肥為主,成年結果樹每株施(shī)腐熟豬、羊欄(lán)肥20~30kg或菜餅肥3.5~5.0kg,幼樹適當少施(shī)。施(shī)肥(féi)方法為幼樹采用盤狀施,深20~30cm;大樹采用穴施或放射狀溝施,溝長70~80cm,深30~40cm。已掛果 無錫紅花油茶苗批發 無錫東魁(kuí)黑晶水(shuǐ)晶楊梅(méi)苗種植有機肥和磷肥宜深施,氮鉀肥可相對淺施,施後覆土[1-2]。
5月上旬至7月中旬,噴(pēn)灑50%多菌靈可濕性(xìng)粉劑(jì)800倍液(yè)或65%代森錳鋅(xīn)可濕性(xìng)粉劑600倍液或(huò)70%甲(jiǎ)基托布津800倍液防治(zhì)楊梅褐斑病;4)在3月和7月初分2次施入綠亨一號+福美雙(1∶9)600倍及混合少量辛硫(liú)磷等(děng)殺蟲劑防治楊梅急(jí)性根腐病、幹枯病。5 果實采收楊梅果實無外果皮,肉柱易遭機械傷,2022-2023黑晶楊梅苗果實比浙江東槐大還黑(hēi) 新品種加之成熟季節高溫高濕多雨,果實易變色變味,不耐貯(zhù)藏。
廣東南方楊梅(méi)種植技術要點可以不施,第二次肥視結果量適當少施。施肥方(fāng)法采用(yòng)穴施或放射狀溝施,施(shī)後覆土(tǔ)。2.3 水分管理楊梅園一般建在山上,缺乏灌溉(gài)條件(jiàn),以7—8月高溫幹旱季節對楊梅(méi)生長影響較大。此期楊梅園內應盡量(liàng)保(bǎo)留一些(xiē)對生長影(yǐng)響不大的野草樹木,以利保持土壤水分,增加園內濕度,同時要進行樹盤覆草,營造適宜楊梅生長的溫濕環境。
Poplar Plum Seedling Varieties From 2023 to 2024 to 2025, the new and emerging varieties of waxberry seedlings that are currently relatively high yield and excellent are: Crystal, Yongguan, Heijing, Heikui 13507五40047 technician service, Heigaofeng, Mimei, Wumei, Crisp waxberry seedlings, Fugong, Prince Anhai, Da Heitan, Dongkui grafting waxberry technician, and our flat mountain has pure scions and rootstocks with excellent technology and detailed handling, which can be passed on to you The main varieties of grafting are Camellia oleifera seedlings, Yangmei seedlings, tea seedlings, fruits, and Fujian Daye Hongxia Jinlian technology cultivation. Welcome to cooperate. All prices are wholesale trading market prices and national package shipping. For large-scale planting, on-site grafting technical services can be provided. We have a professional team of grafting workers, and the prices should be determined according to the actual situation.
Deep plowing of the entire orchard is carried out every 2 years after 4-5 years of fixed planting of Yangmei seedlings. The method is to deeply plow outward along the fixed planting hole year by year to loosen and ventilate the soil in the Yangmei orchard, which is conducive to the outward extension of the root system. 2.1.3 The main types of fertilizers are decomposed organic fertilizers. Each adult fruiting tree should receive 20-30kg of decomposed pig and sheep manure or 3.5-5.0kg of vegetable cake fertilizer, while young trees should receive a relatively low amount of fertilizer. The fertilization method is to apply disc shaped fertilizer to young trees, with a depth of 20-30cm; Large trees are treated with cave or radial ditch irrigation, with a ditch length of 70-80cm and a depth of 30-40cm. Organic and phosphorus fertilizers should be applied deeply, while nitrogen and potassium fertilizers can be applied relatively shallowly, followed by soil covering [1-2].
From early May to mid July, spray 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800-fold solution, 65% mancozeb wettable powder 600-fold solution, or 70% methylthiophanate 800-fold solution to prevent and control bayberry brown spot disease; 4) In March and early July, green Heng 1+Fumeishuang (1:9) 600 times and a small amount of mixed pesticides such as phoxim were applied twice to control acute root rot and dry blight of waxberry. 5. Harvested Yangmei fruits have no outer skin, and the flesh columns are prone to mechanical damage. In addition, during the ripening season, the fruits are prone to discoloration and flavor change due to high temperature, high humidity, and rainy weather, making them less resistant to storage.
The key points of planting techniques for Yangmei in southern Guangdong can be omitted, and the second application of fertilizer should be appropriately reduced depending on the amount of fruit. The fertilization method adopts cave or radial ditch application, with soil covering after application. 2.3 Water management: Yangmei orchards are generally built on mountains and lack irrigation conditions. The high temperature and dry season from July to August has a significant impact on the growth of Yangmei. During this period, some wild grass and trees that have little impact on growth should be retained in the Yangmei Garden as much as possible to maintain soil moisture and increase humidity in the garden. At the same time, tree cover should be carried out to create a warm and humid environment suitable for the growth of Yangmei.