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2024扁山苗木基地 > 湖(hú)南(nán)金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發 > 懷化金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發(fā) > 辰溪縣(xiàn)金線蓮油(yóu)茶楊梅苗批發(fā)

明年結果(guǒ)高(gāo)壓楊梅大杯苗福建浙江 今年掛果廣西(xī)湖南水晶98元





2022-23施足(zú)基肥,每畝用餅肥150kg及草木灰200kg,畦寬1m,畦(qí)高30cm。當實生(shēng)小苗長(zhǎng)到6—10cm高,進行第1次實生小苗移栽,時間(jiān)是在4月20號左右移栽。永樹冠1年福建楊梅樹苗種(zhǒng)植技術 水晶東魁(kuí)黑高峰高壓楊梅批發株行距15cm×40cm,每(měi)畝約(yuē)移植1.5—1.8萬(wàn)株。移植後澆水,傍晚每畝施用1.5—2kg地蟲克星(xīng)顆(kē)粒劑或噴2000倍液20%殺滅菊酯乳油,防止地老虎等(děng)危害。10d後澆施薄肥,5月份每畝施複合肥(féi)3—4kg,隔15d再施1次,並用多菌靈或(huò)托布津防止病害。當砧苗粗達1cm左右時,可供嫁接,或先定植(zhí)後待幹粗達3cm以上時才嫁接。






N de high-pressure early: ext year's results:

 include high-pressure early chestnut, early jia, late chestnut, and water chestnut Yangmei large cup seedlings Fujian F-j-2023-zj, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Jiangxi 1-year seedlings, 2-year seedlings, and 3-year medium cup seedlings are all wholesale market prices 13507五40047 phones, 4-5 year cultivation of large cup seedlings, this year's fruit bearing Guangxi, Hubei, Guizhou, Hunan crystal, and next year's high-pressure Yangmei large cup seedlings. The weight of a tree is about 30-50 jin, with a diameter of 4-8 cm, black peak, large black charcoal, early maturity, and a height of over 1 meter for Yangmei tree cup seedlings, Build it into a 1-meter express delivery, and if there is a small amount, use SF Express! This year, the crystal Yangmei earth seedlings, medium cup seedlings, and small cup seedlings usually start to fruit in 3-5 years. The diameter of the large cup seedlings of the white poplar plum tree is about 5-8 cm, and the small cup black peak soil ball is shipped at prices ranging from 38 yuan, 48 yuan, 68 yuan, 198 yuan, 298 yuan, 398 yuan, and 598 yuan. Please contact us by phones or WeChat for specific inquiries and provide a quotation according to your requirements.


Next year's high-pressure bayberry big cup:

 seedlings will be transplanted from Fujian, Zhejiang, China Apply sufficient basic fertilizer, using 150kg cake fertilizer and 200kg plant ash per mu, with a width of 1m and a height of 30cm. When the seedling grows to 6-10cm high, the first seedling transplant will be carried out around April 20th. 15cm spacing between plants and rows × 40cm, approximately 15000 to 18000 plants transplanted per acre. After transplantation, water and apply 1.5-2kg of Dichongkixing granules or 2000 times of 20% fenvalerate emulsifiable concentrate per acre in the evening to prevent harm such as land tigers. After 10 days, apply thin fertilizer, and in May, apply 3-4 kg of compound fertilizer per mu. Apply it again every 15 days, and use carbendazim or tolbutamol to prevent diseases. When the thickness of the rootstock seedlings reaches about 1cm, they can be grafted, or they can be planted first and then grafted when the dry thickness reaches more than 3cm.


This year, Guangxi Hunan Crystal will bear:

① fruit for 98 yuan. Disease  Yangmei brown spot and anthracnose. Mainly harmful to leaves. Prevention and control measures: a) Clear the source of the disease, strengthen forest management measures, and enhance tree vigor; b) Spray with 70% methyl tolbuxone 800-fold solution or 65% mancozeb 600-fold solution.


② Yangmei soft rot and dry rot. The main harm to branches and trunks is caused by weak parasitic bacteria. The prevention and control methods are basically the same as the above, and the disease spots can also be scraped off and coated with 402 antibacterial agent 50-100 times the liquid.

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