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2024扁山苗木(mù)基地 > 江蘇金(jīn)線蓮油茶楊梅苗批(pī)發(fā) > 揚州金(jīn)線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發(fā) > 儀征金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批(pī)發

收購豚鼠 回收黑豚 江蘇兔子種苗批發 養殖場6-8兩一隻19元





大量放血法 大鼠可采取摘除眼球(qiú),由眼眶(kuàng)動脈放血致死、廣東和福(fú)建豚鼠養殖技術還可以通過斷頭或切開股動脈,使其大量失血而死。家兔也可在麻醉情(qíng)況下,由頸動脈放血,並擠壓其胸部,江蘇比利時兔養殖盡可能大量放血致死。各省23-2024年(nián)回收(shōu)購竹鼠和兔子豚鼠商品(pǐn)種苗電話批發 1-2-3斤/隻其他方法 蛙或蟾蜍可斷頭(tóu)處死,也可以用探針經過枕骨大孔破壞腦(nǎo)和脊髓處死(sǐ)。另(lìng)外亦可用電擊法,注射或吸入麻醉劑法將(jiāng)動物處(chù)死。



心髒(zāng)取血:需二人協作進行,協助者用兩手將豚鼠固定,腹部向上。加盟.雲南竹(zhú)鼠回收價格.豚鼠種苗商品兔批發.比利時黑(hēi)豚彩豚操作者用左手(shǒu)在胸骨左側觸(chù)摸(mō)到豚鼠心髒搏動處,選擇心跳較明顯部(bù)位進針穿刺,一般是在第 4~6 肋間(jiān)。如針頭進入到心髒,則血液隨心跳而進入(rù)注射器內(nèi),取血應迅速,以防止在管內產生凝血。江蘇(sū)比利時兔養殖如感覺針頭已經刺入(rù)心髒但還未(wèi)出血時,將(jiāng)針頭(tóu)慢慢退回一點即可,失敗時應拔出針(zhēn)頭重新操作。切忌針頭在(zài)胸腔內左右擺動,以防止損傷豚鼠的心(xīn)髒和(hé)肺而致死(sǐ)。


Each province, city, and county purchases:

around 0.4 to 0.8 kilograms of guinea pigs All are wholesale market transaction prices for nationwide shipment or door-to-door delivery. Regions: Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hainan, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi. Recycle black dolphins from 0.5 to 1.2 kilograms, wholesale flower dolphins from around 1 kilogram, wholesale price of Huizhou Zhongshan black dolphin seedlings @ about 0.5 to 0.8 taels of experimental mice at the Yunfu black guinea pig breeding base in Meizhou County, 2023-CT-24 color dolphin processing plant, with prices ranging from 4 taels, 5 taels, 6 taels, 7 taels, 8 taels, 1 kilogram, and around 19 yuan per animal, 28 yuan per animal, 25 yuan per animal, 35 yuan per animal, 45 yuan per animal, 55 yuan per animal, 68 yuan per animal, and 125 yuan per animal. A small amount is sent by express delivery, and a large quantity is cheaper, If you want to package live packages, shipping cages are generally more expensive. Generally, the cost of shipping live items is higher than that of regular goods, and courier companies are not willing to accept live items.


Guinea pig breeding techniques in Guangdong and Fujian:

Large amount of bleeding method can be used to remove the eyeball of rats and bleed to death through the orbital artery. Guangdong and Fujian guinea pig breeding techniques can also be used to cut off the head or cut open the femoral artery, causing them to lose a large amount of blood and die. Rabbits can also bleed from the carotid artery under anesthesia and squeeze their chest, bleeding to death as much as possible. Other methods include decapitation and execution of frogs or toads, as well as the use of probes to destroy the brain and spinal cord through the foramen magnum of the occipital bone. In addition, animals can also be killed by electric shock, injection or inhalation of anesthetics.

Blood collection methods for guinea pigs in Sichuan and Yunnan:

Cardiac blood collection: Two people need to collaborate, and the helper uses both hands to fix the guinea pig, with the abdomen facing upwards. The operator uses his left hand to touch the beating area of the guinea pig's heart on the left side of the sternum, and selects the most obvious part of the heartbeat for puncture, usually between the 4th and 6th ribs. If the needle enters the heart, blood enters the syringe with the heartbeat. Blood should be taken quickly to prevent clotting in the tube. If you feel that the needle has penetrated the heart but has not yet bled, slowly retract the needle a bit. If it fails, you should remove the needle and operate again. Avoid swinging the needle left and right in the chest cavity to prevent damage to the heart and lungs of guinea pigs and death.

扁山豚鼠養殖基地 江蘇兔子養殖場
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