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2024扁山苗木基地 > 甘肅金線蓮油茶(chá)楊梅苗批發 > 慶陽金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發 > 鎮原縣金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發









光照與溫度山茶為長日照植物、在日長12小(xiǎo)時的(de)環境中才能形成花芽。較適生長溫度18- 25℃,較(jiào)適開花溫度10-20℃,高於35℃會灼傷葉片。不耐寒,冬季應入室,溫度保持3~5℃、黃玖瑰、黃觀音、黃旦茶葉苗、旦裸根苗、大旦茶也能忍耐(nài)短時間-10℃的(de)低溫,但不能長時間超過16℃,否則(zé)會促使發芽,引起落葉。生長期要(yào)置於半陰環境中,慶(qìng)陽茶葉苗和茶花裸根苗培育、不宜接受過強(qiáng)的直射陽光(guāng)。特別是夏、秋季(jì)要進行遮蔭,或放樹(shù)下疏蔭處。


撤做好苗木(mù)起苗出畫工作(zuò)、時撤除遮陽(yáng)網、在遮陽網上再疆、主要做好灑水保持苗床濕度(dù),每隔5-7天、苗期管理冬季養護 、木長勢適當追(zhuī)施氮肥,根據苗木木質化程度,適蓋農用地膜,做好苗床保濕、甘肅茶花和油茶樹杯苗保溫工作(zuò)根據造林單位的需求,及時、主要做(zuò)好苗床保濕和抗高溫工作,根據苗旬起用015%尿素根外追肥,每隔10天一次除農膜,繼(jì)續做好苗床保濕、殺菌工作,5月下噴灑一次托布津等殺菌劑。



紅蜘蛛和介殼蟲 :防治噴施鬆脂(zhī)合劑並加強通風。病蟲害防治:茶花的主要病害有褐斑病、黃化病及枝上苔蘚寄生。蟲害(hài)為紅蜘(zhī)蛛。各種介殼蟲、刺蛾。薔薇葉蜂等。病蟲害的發(fā)生,大大影(yǐng)響樹勢(shì)及其(qí)觀賞性。褐斑(bān)病:春季萌發前灑波爾(ěr)多液(yè),以後每半(bàn)個月繼續(xù)噴灑預防,並注意排水與施肥,除去被害葉並燒毀(huǐ)。黃化病:主要(yào)由土(tǔ)壤缺微量(liàng)元素引起,可經常酒施硫酸亞鐵或硫酸鎂浴(yù)液加以(yǐ)防(fáng)治。


Large sales, high cost-effectiveness:

good quality, standardized cultivation base, numerous varieties and specifications, 2023 Qingyang tea seedling cultivation in Gansu, 1-year, 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 6-year oil tea small cup seedling prices, 20CM, 35CM, 40CM, 48CM, 60CM, 80CM, 120CM, and other specifications are available. We can supply according to your requirements! Camellia nurseries with a wholesale size of over 60cm are generally 2-3 year old seedlings, and in Xishui County, Huachi County, Zhengning County, Xifeng County, Qingcheng County, Ningxian County, Zhenyuan County, Huanxian County. www.youyixq.com/c-1727.html.

Bianshan Gansu Camellia and Camellia oleifera cup:

seedlings are sent to various places Do a good job in lifting and painting seedlings, remove shading nets from time to time, re install shading nets, mainly sprinkle water to maintain the humidity of the seedbed, manage the seedling period every 5-7 days, maintain winter maintenance, appropriately apply nitrogen fertilizer to the growth of the trees, cover agricultural plastic film according to the degree of lignification of the seedlings, and do a good job in moisturizing the seedbed, keeping warm the cup seedlings of Camellia sinensis and Camellia oleifera according to the needs of the afforestation unit. Timely and mainly do a good job in moisturizing the seedbed and resisting high temperatures, Starting from the beginning of the seedling season, 0.15% urea is used for root dressing, and the agricultural film is removed every 10 days. The seedling bed is kept moist and sterilized, and fungicides such as tobuzin are sprayed once in late May.

Cultivation and management of technical tea seedlings:

Red spiders and crustaceans: Prevention and control by spraying pine resin mixture and strengthening ventilation. Disease and pest control: The main diseases of camellia include brown spot disease, yellowing disease, and moss parasitism on branches. The insect pest is the red spider. Various crustaceans and moths. Rose leaf bees, etc. The occurrence of diseases and pests greatly affects the tree vigor and its ornamental value. Brown spot disease: Sprinkle Bordeaux solution before germination in spring, and continue spraying every half month to prevent it. Pay attention to drainage and fertilization, remove damaged leaves, and burn them. Yellowing disease: mainly caused by a lack of trace elements in the soil, which can be prevented and controlled by frequent application of ferrous sulfate or magnesium sulfate bath solution.

扁山油茶苗培育基(jī)地(dì) 扁山茶葉苗培育(yù)基(jī)地 扁(biǎn)山茶花苗培育
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