扁山大(dà)貴港楊梅.油茶樹苗.茶葉苗.貴港金線蓮種苗培育 1-2年30CM、廣西的大貴港楊梅(東魁、黑高峰、水晶、荸薺、大黑炭:地徑1-2公分、培育時間:2-3年,冠幅(fú):1米多、臨海、仙居、黃岩、漳州、福建龍岩、扁山、早熟)、油茶樹苗(茶籽樹品種:湘林老品種、長林(lín)老(lǎo)品種了、軟枝相對較新的品種2號、3號高產嫁接苗實生苗)茶葉苗(供喝茶用(yòng)泡茶(chá)用的高產(chǎn)實生苗高度規格品種眾多,歡迎聯係電話或加我們(men)扁山的(de)微信號碼)、貴(guì)港(gǎng)紅花大果油茶苗、金線蓮(lián)種苗(miáo)培育、楊(yáng)梅苗和(hé)油茶苗的培育高度:1-2-3-5年31CM、42CM、53CM、64CM、85CM、96CM、107CM、128CM規格的高度都有。金線蓮高度分類:5公分、8公分、9公分、10公分、12公分、14公分、16公分、18公分。
If it is a potted plant, place it in a shaded area for the first week, spray water on the branches and leaves every day, and pay attention to keeping the soil moist in the Guigang Oil Tea Base (wholesale of large fruit and safflower oil tea seedlings in Guigang Oil Tea Base) - Bianshan Oil Tea. If it is planted in the ground (in summer), first block the sunlight with a shading net. After a month, remove the shading net.
剛種下的苗木不能施肥,切記。為先次施肥要在種後的15天後,北(běi)海金線蓮種植基地 廣西(xī)北海台灣較好施花生餅粉等有機肥,量也要(yào)少,距離樹根部至少10厘米以上,或施在苗(miáo)木較外枝葉(yè)的(de)滴水線下。
這是個很重要(yào)的環(huán)節,為先次澆水一定要澆多澆透。這是定根(gēn)水,貴港楊梅苗批發 平南大安東魁楊(yáng)梅苗木的成活率關鍵在這裏。種後為先個月如遇晴天每天(tiān)至少澆一次水,陰(yīn)天每(měi)三天(tiān)澆一(yī)次水,雨天不用澆水。冬天的苗木,在中午澆水,切不可在早上及傍晚澆(jiāo)水。
This is a very important step, and the first watering must be done thoroughly. This is Dinggen Water, and the key to the survival rate of Yangmei seedlings in Pingnan Da'an Dongkui of Guigang Yangmei Wholesale is here. In the first month after planting, if it is sunny, water it at least once a day. On cloudy days, water it every three days, and do not water it on rainy days. Winter seedlings should be watered at noon, but not in the morning or evening.