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2024扁山(shān)苗木基地 > 福建金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發 > 龍岩金線蓮(lián)油茶楊(yáng)梅苗批發 > 上杭金線蓮油茶楊梅苗批發

標準基地 福(fú)建紅霞金線蓮種苗價(jià)格 福建紅杆金線蓮種苗批發1元




2. Large Fujian Jinlian Tissue Culture Seedling:

Cultivation Base Inspection Address、Standard base visit, professional, large-scale Fujian Jinlian tissue culture seedling cultivation base inspection address: Fujian Province, Longyan City, Shanghang County, Jiuxian Town, Fujian Hongxia 13507五40047. Round leaf, green stem, green stem, red leaf backed Jinlian seedlings and seed prices are all wholesale. Welcome to cooperate! Wholesale of Jinzhong, Dazhen, and Honggan Jinlian seedlings in Fujian costs 1 yuan, 2 yuan, 8 yuan, 9 yuan, 25 yuan, and 48 yuan. Sincere recruitment and cooperation to join a business attraction company, with huge sales and sales, cultivation and discussion of flat mountain seedling technology, recruitment of staff and workers, and recruitment. Now the planting prospects are good, the market prices are good, and wholesale of dry goods, bottled seedlings, small cup seedlings, and fresh lotus can also be shipped nationwide. Technical on-site learning and price negotiation are easy.



林下閩西種(zhǒng)植金線蓮時間長,根莖粗壯,根(gēn)係發達,累積的營養成分高!閩西新鮮金線蓮種苗種子鮮品盆栽盆景可吃可種(zhǒng) 配土,福建金線蓮美人紅(紅霞(xiá))株數:28-32株/瓶株高:8-12厘米葉片數: 3-6片(piàn),金線蓮種子藥材種子金絲桃狗胡花金線蝴蝶可盆栽蔬菜(cài)種 金線蓮(lián)種子100粒。


4、Planting seeds and seedlings under the Jinxian lotus forest in western Fujian:

Planting Jinlian in western Fujian under the forest has been a long time, with thick and robust rhizomes, well-developed roots, and high accumulation of nutrients! Fresh seedlings and seeds of western Fujian, fresh and edible potted plants, potted landscapes, and soil for planting. Fujian, beautiful red (Hongxia), plant number: 28-32 plants/bottle, plant height: 8-12 cm, leaf number: 3-6 pieces. Golden thread lotus seeds, medicinal herbs, golden peach, dog beard, flower, golden thread butterfly, potted vegetables, and 100 seeds of golden thread lotus.



1斤(jīn)裝新貨(huò) 林下原生態種植,金線蓮烘幹前采用高壓水槍多遍衝洗,金線蓮幹品幹淨無泥土。煮水實(shí)拍展示,金(jīn)線蓮野外林下種植,非大棚(péng)種(zhǒng)植(zhí),吸收落葉、腐葉的營養,(陽光雨(yǔ)露的恩賜(cì),無農藥(yào)、無化肥,媲美原(yuán)生金線蓮。5克(kè)金線蓮加(jiā)1000ml清水,放入養生壺煮半個小時左右,金線蓮湯(tāng)色金紅濃鬱。金(jīn)線蓮可反複煮水2~3遍,煮水的次數增加湯色逐漸變淡,煮水前後(hòu)的金線蓮植株展現完整,脈絡清晰,煮水後金線蓮可嚼服。


6、Longyan Shanghang Golden Thread Lotus Whole:

Plant Dried 500g Fujian Wildlife、1 kilogram of new goods are planted in the original ecology under the forest. Before drying, use a high-pressure water gun to rinse the dried lotus seeds multiple times. The dried lotus seeds are clean and free of soil. Real time display of boiled water, wild planting of lotus under the forest, non greenhouse planting, absorbing nutrients from fallen leaves and rotting leaves, The gift of sunshine, rain, and dew, without pesticides or fertilizers, is comparable to the native gold thread lotus. Add 5 grams of gold thread lotus and 1000ml of water, and cook it in a health pot for about half an hour. The gold thread lotus soup has a rich golden red color. The gold thread lotus can be repeatedly boiled 2-3 times, and the soup color gradually fades as the number of times it is boiled increases. Before and after boiling, the gold thread lotus plants appear complete, with clear veins. After boiling, the gold thread lotus can be chewed.

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